"Kar Lock, you need to eat more!"
"Maybe you din drink enough water"..."or exercize"..."or sleep late"..."or......"
"You'll gain weight by 25yrs old" (ahem...i'm now already 27 leh...)
"Finish up the leftover food. You need to eat more (again?)!"
"Your parents also slim like you? Must be genetic lor..."
The one that i hear it for the first time today from my collegues in WD:
"You'll guarantee be fat when you get married!"...
Seems like so many people are concern about my body weight. Really appreaciate. :p
Well, if you really know me, my weight has been "maintained" and "kept" at 57kg for up to the last 5years. ( i can sense some gals are already started to sms to me to ask for the secret...joking...)
So, to give an update to everybody that "loves" me, my current weight today is now 58kg!
Whoah!...not bad hor...hehe...That's really a miracle of the century.
The question to ask now:
Can Kar Lock be fatter than 58kg?
so dun miss this adventure with Kar Lock as he tries to gain his weight till the end of the year...Can he hit the mark of 60kg maybe? How can he make it? Is that possible?
So stay tune guys... :)
till next update, always have a thankful attitude as God makes you beautiful :)
Man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart (1 Samuel 16:7)
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Hope KL Student Service
In the month of June, God created Hope KL Student Servive. And it is verY good. Ooppss...soree... It is VERRYY Great!!!
It's been almost 4 months... wow...are you sure? i still remember the anticipation before we launch our very first service...well, we were without experience...we were young...nevertheless, who can stop His people to glorify His name?! =)
So far we have seen plenty of salvations, superb messages by our young and energetic preachers, and all kind of drama performances (Remember Bao Tai Yan?), Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Show and different kind of interesting videos. PTL!
There can only be more to come. Dun miss it! Must catch it:
It's been almost 4 months... wow...are you sure? i still remember the anticipation before we launch our very first service...well, we were without experience...we were young...nevertheless, who can stop His people to glorify His name?! =)
So far we have seen plenty of salvations, superb messages by our young and energetic preachers, and all kind of drama performances (Remember Bao Tai Yan?), Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Show and different kind of interesting videos. PTL!
There can only be more to come. Dun miss it! Must catch it:
Date: Every Saturday
Time: 3.30pm to 545pm
Venue: Hope KL Church
Address: No. 41, Jalan 17/45, 46400 PJ
Oh Lord, we adore You!
Our handsome cool preacher Kian Wee sharing with passion.
God shall supply all your needs. Amen.
Impacting Life
Impacting the Community
Impacting the World
Can You Solve It?

This is a simple coin trick that I just learnt. Try it out :)
The challenge is to move one coin at a time from the position above to the position below:

Each time a coin is moved to a new position, it must touches also two other coins at the new position.
All the best guys :)
You can post the solution if u can too :)
Happy solving!
PS: kaR lOcK can do it now with only 4 moves :)
PS: kaR lOcK can do it now with only 4 moves :)
Mighty to Save
My God is Mighty to Save
I personally acceppted The One almost 7 years back.
My younger brother... about 3 years back.
My father...5 days ago! Can you hear the roar in the party above?! PTL!
3 saved. 1 more to go. Never stop praying. and sharing. And praying. And KEEP on sharing.
>>> If you have unsaved family members, keep believing for their salvation. Don’t be discouraged; don’t give up on them. <<<
A wonderful testimony was given to us recently. A woman was faithfully praying for her adult son Ian, who was about 30’ish, single and living in the world. He had no time for the Lord and refused to listen to the Gospel. Ian was stung by several poisonous jellyfish and died later in hospital. His mother continued praying. After Ian died, he met God face to face, repented, returned to earth, was completely healed of the effects of the stings and continues to live to spread the Gospel of salvation. His mother never ceased to pray for her son, even after his death. How amazing is that? Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved, you and your household! Praise the Lord!
(this amazing real story taken from: http://www.bibleabookoftruth.com/YouAndYourHouseholdWillBeSaved.pdf).
God bless you.
“Men, what must I do to be saved?” And they answered, “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved; you and your household. And they declared the Word of the Lord to him and to all who were in his house” (Acts 16:30-32).
I personally acceppted The One almost 7 years back.
My younger brother... about 3 years back.
My father...5 days ago! Can you hear the roar in the party above?! PTL!
3 saved. 1 more to go. Never stop praying. and sharing. And praying. And KEEP on sharing.
>>> If you have unsaved family members, keep believing for their salvation. Don’t be discouraged; don’t give up on them. <<<
A wonderful testimony was given to us recently. A woman was faithfully praying for her adult son Ian, who was about 30’ish, single and living in the world. He had no time for the Lord and refused to listen to the Gospel. Ian was stung by several poisonous jellyfish and died later in hospital. His mother continued praying. After Ian died, he met God face to face, repented, returned to earth, was completely healed of the effects of the stings and continues to live to spread the Gospel of salvation. His mother never ceased to pray for her son, even after his death. How amazing is that? Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved, you and your household! Praise the Lord!
(this amazing real story taken from: http://www.bibleabookoftruth.com/YouAndYourHouseholdWillBeSaved.pdf).
God bless you.
“Men, what must I do to be saved?” And they answered, “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved; you and your household. And they declared the Word of the Lord to him and to all who were in his house” (Acts 16:30-32).
My God
My God is The One. He is LOve. He is gracious and merciful too. At the same time, He is also righteous and holy too. It grieves Him to see us walking in the wrong path, moreover not reliazing it. That's the essence of love. Love delights in the truth.
My God is an Iniative God. He took the first move. He first loved us.
My God is a God of Restoration. He redirects. He always wanted to bring us back to Him. On the right track. Draw us back to Him. Into His embrace and presence. Because that's the most secured and best place that we can ever been. And that's where our good God wants us to be. Close to Him.
My God is a compassionate God. He will pull us back no matter how far we have gone. He forgives. No condemanation whatsoever.
My God is a God of action. He moves. He is active. Sometimes He'll give us a really bright blinking RED light to catch our attention. (He is "colorful" too).
And also alot of times, He'll whisper His gentle voice through our ears and heart. He can speak through our conscience too. He can use people to remind us. He can refreshes our memory of His way through worship songs. Through games, movies, the list goes on...
My God is a gracious God. He is able to restore, renew, revive, refresh and regain us back to Him so that we can remain in His presence. To experience His unconditional LOVE.
That's my God.
Draw Me Close:
My God is an Iniative God. He took the first move. He first loved us.
My God is a God of Restoration. He redirects. He always wanted to bring us back to Him. On the right track. Draw us back to Him. Into His embrace and presence. Because that's the most secured and best place that we can ever been. And that's where our good God wants us to be. Close to Him.
My God is a compassionate God. He will pull us back no matter how far we have gone. He forgives. No condemanation whatsoever.
My God is a God of action. He moves. He is active. Sometimes He'll give us a really bright blinking RED light to catch our attention. (He is "colorful" too).
And also alot of times, He'll whisper His gentle voice through our ears and heart. He can speak through our conscience too. He can use people to remind us. He can refreshes our memory of His way through worship songs. Through games, movies, the list goes on...
My God is a gracious God. He is able to restore, renew, revive, refresh and regain us back to Him so that we can remain in His presence. To experience His unconditional LOVE.
That's my God.
Draw Me Close:
HUSC Camp 2009_ Episode 1
29-31 August 2009....HUSC Camp 2009... in Kuala Kubu Bahru...
The SURviVors: Kar Lock, Kian Wee, Jia Rong, Kevin, Jun Hong, Bao Tai Yan, Ah Yap, Szezee, Terry, Tailo, Omar (the Shadow), Sze wei (i think i spell it wrongly lar...blek...), pikachu, Hubert... are the one that joined the camp...ehhhh....and also one "special guest as well"...ms prisca...hehehe...
We did many amazing things durin the camp...
Steamboat, milions of games (esepcially the "VIOLENCE" EGGY Challenge), water baptism for our faithful cameraman jun hong! , sharing, our very own HUSC service, river trekking, waterfall, and also the unexpected Fraser Hill super short tour :p
(i guess this will be the short preview of the camp...more coming soon...with pic and vid too)... :p
Today in History 26 Sept 2009: Kar Lock publishs his first blog...
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